From extremely well-thought-out designs and new innovations, to sheer quality, speedcubes have come a long way within just the last decade.
Set a budget before you start looking. Flagship cubes cost over Rs.2000, while mid-range can be under Rs.1500. If you're a beginner, It is suggested to cap the budget to Rs.1000.
Nowadays cubes have magnets to assist with turning accuracy. You've to decide whether you want magnets in your cube or not, based on your budget.
Ever since WCA decided to make stickerless cubes legal, the entire community has steadily shifted to using sticker less cubes as it is easy to maintain.
Depending on your turning accuracy, this might be an important thing to consider while buying a cube. This helps a cube to do a turn while another layer is misaligned.
Usually, the faster cubes are unstable while the slow ones are stable. Though you can buy a customizable cube that lets you change the compression of the springs.
Standard speed cube today is 55mm. Though you can look for other sizes of cube, but unfortunately, a lot of the mini cubes have been discontinued so the options will be limited for other cubes.